Dear Blog,
Over the past 4 years, you have been a great companion to me. Ups and downs, the laughters and the tears, I've shared them all with you. Sometimes, it's just random bullshit from me, and sometimes, it's just things that don't make sense. But you were always there, and you took them all in, without saying a single word.
However, with a heavy heart, I've come to the decision of ending our relationship. You no longer satisfy my needs and reluctantly, I have to let you go. I've been seeing someone else for 2 days now and it's going great. I've found a new companion at Wordpress.
People change, all the time. And when they do, I guess there's no choice but to move on. I believe this relationship can no longer work; that both of us should deal with reality. I'm moving on to a fresher, more vibrant, and in all aspects, better environment. I guess in time, you would do too.
So, with this short letter, I hope you'd understand my actions and my decisions. I know it's painful, I know you hurt inside. But let me tell you, I hurt as much as you do. All our memories together will be left here, untouched; and they will live on for many more generations to see. I'll drop by, occasionally, just to catch up and see how you're doing; talk like the old times. It's a promise sealed with a kiss, from me to you.
With love,
Clarence Choong.
P/S: Do drop by my new place, whenever you're free. Here's the address - wengkiandthebrain.wordpress.com.
Just like every train has a destination, and eventually has to stop, Train of Thoughts has reached hers. I hereby officially announce the closure of this blog and the migration to a new blog as stated above. Till then, goodbye!
Brian Hyland
Sealed With A Kiss
Though we gotta say goodbye for the summer
Darling, I promise you this
I'll send you all my love
Every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But darling you won't be there
I don't wanna say goodbye for the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
So let us take a pledge to meet in September
And seal it with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
Yes it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss
this is so adorable. haha! :)) nice.
ending something is not adorable =( haha. i'll see you on the other side!
ur gonna regret this. when you come back and beg her to take you back it will be too late. she will already be with me.
yo: you can have her man. i'd used her dry. =p
i'm always the faithful one to stay ya brat! lol XD hahahahha!!
peace out dude! =)
jerry: lol. peace out bruther. =D
yo clarence!lol what a way 2 close a blog! relinked! :)
irene chin! how have you been? haha. i think i'm psycho =S
haha. psycho. a nicer way of putting it would be creative. haha doing good here. uni's pretty fun NOW cos the assignments and exams period hasn't arrived yet. yet. take care there aiks and keep in touch. :)
irene: owhh. haha. uni's alwis fun. even with all the assignments. my exams coming soon =/ crapp. you take care too. =)
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