Once, a friend of mine said, "Time flies like birds." The moment we heard it, many of us burst out in laughter at the queer statement. Yes, he got rather tongue-tied and brain-jammed when it was his turn to share in a group.
Now, the question posed would be, why birds? Why not, "Time flies like concords"? or "Time flies like light"? Why choose an organism with limited velocity to illustrate speed and not something more accurate, something with more velocity?
With utmost respect for my friend, I would say it doesn't make sense; and come to think of it, it was a rather stupid illustration. But then again, I often find myself referring to this metaphor when it comes to the motion of time. Why?
The truth is, birds are indeed the best epitome of time. Often, we do not notice the presence of the many birds around us, going about their day. They fly freely; often out of the boundaries of our vision and to lands unknown. And when we start to notice them, we realise that they have grown much; before they fly off again.
In the same way, often we get too caught up with life that we lose sight of time. We cease to remember that time is living, and it's moving. When our conscience hits us and time flies within the grasp of our vision again, we come upon the realization that time indeed has grown, and so have we. And then, time flies off again.
Memories are sweet, at the same time nostalgic. I wish I could stop reminiscing. Time indeed flew like birds.
This post would be around for some time folks; until I get my electronic wife to KL.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Death And All His Friends
Farewells are not sweet, no matter how near you are leaving to. Life changes. There are crossroads, intersections, in which we either meet, or part.
I guess this is the time of the latter.
Eliza told me, she hates all this. She wants it to go away. She wants everyone to stay. Take away my rational and my cry would be the same.
I can understand how Eliza feels because nobody likes farewells. There are two kinds of loss in this world, which somehow intertwines with each other. One would be the simple farewell, growing up and going our own separate ways. Recently, many of my close friends left for their studies and things were never the same again, apart from one or two exceptional cases. There is no reconciliation needed for the loss, because it's never a loss of a relationship from the moment we part ways. It is a causal loss in which the relationship changes, yet never broken. The changes could either be negative or positive. Enstrangement or the reverse effect. Friendships would usually take on the former change while family relationships, the latter. And as one move on in search of medication for the less desirable change, one would find comfort in new relationships which ultimately leads to the same ending. The process is repeated as one grows and stops only when life ceases.
And death would be the second kind of loss in which all men have to face. This loss is similar to the first in the way that it is a repetition in our lives but with different characters; until we actually play the main cast ourselves. But for this loss, there is no remedy.
Ever since Dad left, Mom has been the dearest person to me, the person I love most. And as I enjoy my final week in Ipoh, my heart grows heavier by day. The comfort of home, the nest that I nurtured in, I will be leaving it. The nest will be empty.
Mom has been the only person to tolerate so much of my nonsense in love. And there is none like her; no care, no love in the world that can compare. I've given her so much problems; my addiction to computer games, accidents after accidents, my studies, my relationships, my lifestyle. But she bore through them with me, her love never changing, loving me for who I am.
Yes, it may just be KL, and I will be back. But I'm going out now, and life will never be the same. It's an independent road, where I slowly move out from under my mother's wings. I must grow up. But just as how it was for my siblings, I pray that this separation would only draw me closer to my mom than I ever was. Yes, it is paradoxical.
At the end of it, goodbyes, partings, farewells, and separations eventually lead to a common, painful event which we call death. Death and all his friends are an inevitable part of life. It doesn't matter, because there's nothing we can do about it but to wake up everyday, knowing this truth, yet rejoicing in the hope of meeting in the world on the other side. This hope is waiting on us; if ever this world fails us.
For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
I Corinthians 15:21-22
I guess this is the time of the latter.
Eliza told me, she hates all this. She wants it to go away. She wants everyone to stay. Take away my rational and my cry would be the same.
I can understand how Eliza feels because nobody likes farewells. There are two kinds of loss in this world, which somehow intertwines with each other. One would be the simple farewell, growing up and going our own separate ways. Recently, many of my close friends left for their studies and things were never the same again, apart from one or two exceptional cases. There is no reconciliation needed for the loss, because it's never a loss of a relationship from the moment we part ways. It is a causal loss in which the relationship changes, yet never broken. The changes could either be negative or positive. Enstrangement or the reverse effect. Friendships would usually take on the former change while family relationships, the latter. And as one move on in search of medication for the less desirable change, one would find comfort in new relationships which ultimately leads to the same ending. The process is repeated as one grows and stops only when life ceases.
And death would be the second kind of loss in which all men have to face. This loss is similar to the first in the way that it is a repetition in our lives but with different characters; until we actually play the main cast ourselves. But for this loss, there is no remedy.
Ever since Dad left, Mom has been the dearest person to me, the person I love most. And as I enjoy my final week in Ipoh, my heart grows heavier by day. The comfort of home, the nest that I nurtured in, I will be leaving it. The nest will be empty.
Mom has been the only person to tolerate so much of my nonsense in love. And there is none like her; no care, no love in the world that can compare. I've given her so much problems; my addiction to computer games, accidents after accidents, my studies, my relationships, my lifestyle. But she bore through them with me, her love never changing, loving me for who I am.
Yes, it may just be KL, and I will be back. But I'm going out now, and life will never be the same. It's an independent road, where I slowly move out from under my mother's wings. I must grow up. But just as how it was for my siblings, I pray that this separation would only draw me closer to my mom than I ever was. Yes, it is paradoxical.
At the end of it, goodbyes, partings, farewells, and separations eventually lead to a common, painful event which we call death. Death and all his friends are an inevitable part of life. It doesn't matter, because there's nothing we can do about it but to wake up everyday, knowing this truth, yet rejoicing in the hope of meeting in the world on the other side. This hope is waiting on us; if ever this world fails us.
For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
I Corinthians 15:21-22
Beautiful Mind,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tag & Go
Ladies and gentleman, I proudly present my first tagged post. ( Thanks to Joan )
I don't care about who I'm supposed to link, tag, what rules, or what crap. I'm just bored so here are 8 random things about me.
1) I love my family.
Blood is thicker than water.
2) I love sleeping. But the love of this sport pales in comparison to football.
Makan bola, tidur bola, minum Coca-Cola.
3) I love music and I'm all for polygamy. Err. In a music sense.
Five For Fighting.
4) I love movies with plots that make me think.
You shall not pass!
5) I love to think, to be deep in thought.
Great minds think alike.
6) I love sports.
This fire.
7) I love to talk.
Freedom of expression.
8) I love to be loved.
I Corinthians 13.
8 things don't sum me up.
I don't care about who I'm supposed to link, tag, what rules, or what crap. I'm just bored so here are 8 random things about me.
1) I love my family.
Blood is thicker than water.
2) I love sleeping. But the love of this sport pales in comparison to football.
Makan bola, tidur bola, minum Coca-Cola.
3) I love music and I'm all for polygamy. Err. In a music sense.
Five For Fighting.
4) I love movies with plots that make me think.
You shall not pass!
5) I love to think, to be deep in thought.
Great minds think alike.
6) I love sports.
This fire.
7) I love to talk.
Freedom of expression.
8) I love to be loved.
I Corinthians 13.
8 things don't sum me up.
Day Dreams
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Mixed Tape

I sat and pondered upon the results of the public university. It's been hellofarollercoasterride for me. 2006, God-given results, yet was stuck in Form6. They say that lightning doesn't strike twice.
I guess they were wrong.
Here I am, 2008. Stuck, without any scholarship offers. My innermost desire is overseas. I have everything ready, including a placement in two of the universities in UK. But I have failed to get any scholarships, except for one last hope - Sime Darby. Well, that hope looks as bleak as can be. No news so far, except one mail which told me I've got the interview and I've to confirm my acceptance of it.
Lord, where?
First choice - USM, Mass Comm. They gave me UM, Econs instead. I'm not utterly disappointed, downhearted. I'm just amazed at how inefficient the whole system can be. Take a look at these two links below which Chris sent to me.
Again, I gratefully accept things which come my way. Everything is God-given, none of it of my own. Why should I fret? Why should I complain and count my woes? Lord, just show me what are Your plans for me. I've asked and I'm asking again that if it's Your will, so be it, whatever it may be. Anywhere You say, Lord.
This is the mixed tape of my life.
The rest is still unwritten.
Day Dreams,
True Malaysian Stories
Monday, June 16, 2008
I once knew a girl in the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer, all beauty and truth
But in the morning I fled, left a note and it read
"Someday you will be loved"
I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
Because each broken heart will eventually mend
And as the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved, you'll be loved
Like you never have known
And the memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And every time tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
And someday you will be loved
You'll be loved, you'll be loved
Like you never have known
And the memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
Someday you will be loved.
With eyes like the summer, all beauty and truth
But in the morning I fled, left a note and it read
"Someday you will be loved"
I cannot pretend that I felt any regret
Because each broken heart will eventually mend
And as the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Someday you will be loved
You'll be loved, you'll be loved
Like you never have known
And the memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
You may feel alone when you're falling asleep
And every time tears roll down your cheeks
But I know your heart belongs to someone you've yet to meet
And someday you will be loved
You'll be loved, you'll be loved
Like you never have known
And the memories of me
Will seem more like bad dreams
Just a series of blurs
Like I never occurred
Someday you will be loved
Someday you will be loved.
Music Is My Aeroplane
Friday, June 13, 2008
No Country For Old Men

Alright, folks. Not exactly the best person to write posts on movies but I'm compelled to do so. For the always-surfing-the-net-and-reading-movie-posts people, don't be disappointed or disgusted with this. Just. Bear with it.
*WARNING : Spoilers Ahoy*
The Story
1980, West Texas. In a voiceover, the local sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) tells of the changing times as the region becomes increasingly violent. Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), while hunting pronghorn, stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone awry. Corpses, guns, vehicles are seen everywhere. One surviving Mexican is seen asking Moss for "Agua" (water). Moss ignores him and walks around, inspecting the site. After a fair bit of observation, he finds the ultimo hombre under the shade with the coveted 2 million in a satchel. Finders, keepers, and Moss goes home with the satchel to his waiting wife. Later in the night, he suffers a pang of conscience and returns with water for the dying Mexican. Incidentally, returning gangsters discover him and this sets off a cat-and-mouse game for the 2 million.
Chigurh, a professional hitman, has been hired to retrieve the satchel of money. Chigurh comes in at the beginning of the movie, apprehended by a deputy sheriff for possession of a captive bolt pistol. He escapes custody by strangling the deputy while handcuffed. Now two parties are hunting for Moss, Chigurh and the Mexican gangsters. Moss sends his wife back to her mom's in Odensa, while he rents a motel and hides the satchel of money in a vent. Unknowingly to Moss, there is a hidden radio transponder inside the money which enables Chigurh to track Moss down via the corresponding receiver. At the same time, the Mexicans track Moss down and wait inside his room to ambush him. Moss, however, realises the danger when he returns and rents an adjacent room and retrieved the money through the vent. Chigurh kills all 3 Mexicans in the room before realising that Moss has escaped with the satchel.
Chigurh continues his hunt using the receiver before locating Moss in another hotel. By now, Moss realises that a device is being used to track him. A firefight ensued and spills onto the streets. Moss escapes once again, heavily wounded, and Chigurh not any better, with a wounded leg from a shotgun blast. Moss awakes in a Mexican hospital, only to be greeted by another operative hired by the drug buyer, Carson Wells (Woody Harrelson). He offers to save Moss' life in return for the money. Moss rejects, Wells returns to his room, and is killed by Chigurh just as Moss calls the room. In the phone conversation, Chigurh offers a deal in which Moss' wife will be spared if Moss forfeits the money, but Moss would still be killed. Moss rejects.
Moss calls his wife Carla Jean (Kelly Macdonald) and tells her that he will give her the money and send her away, and says that once he finds Chigurh and kills him, he will join her. In a conversation between Carla Jean and Sheriff Bell, Carla asks Bell for help and protection for Moss. Bell gives his word that Carla's man will not be harmed. Unfortunately, Moss was found and killed by the Mexicans in a shootout as Sheriff Bell arrives a little too late. Carla Jean arrives later and discovers the death of her husband.
Some time later Bell visits his Uncle Ellis (Barry Corbin), an ex-lawman. Bell is planning to retire due to his weariness of the changing times, but Ellis points out that the region has always been violent. Ellis then tells him a story about Uncle Mac who was gunned down in his own porch. At the end of the conversation, Ellis says, "What you got ain't nothing new. This country is hard on people. You can't stop what's coming. Ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity."
In the meantime, Chigurh locates Carla Jean in the home of her deceased mother. They had a conversation and Carla was told that Chigurh gave Moss his word that she would die if Moss did not hand over the money. Chigurh then says that Moss used the opportunity to save her to try to save himself. Chigurh reconsiders and offers Carla Jean the same "coin flip" opportunity previously given to a shopkeeper. Carla Jean however refuses and says that she knew what was in stored for her. She says that the coin has no say, but it's just Chigurh. The scene ends with Chigurh leaving the house, carefully checking the soles of his boots, an indication, maybe, that Carla was killed. As Chigurh drives away, he was involved in a serious car accident. He paid some money to two kids on bicycles for one of their shirts before turning it into a sling for his broken arm with a jutting bone. He leaves the scene before the police arrive.
The film ends with Bell at home, now retired, reflecting on his life choices. Bell relates to his wife (Tess Harper) two dreams he had, both involving his deceased father who was also a lawman. Bell reveals that in the first dream, he lost some money his father gave him. In the second dream, they were both riding horses through a snowy mountain pass. He sees his father carrying fire in a horn, quietly passed by Bell with his head down. He was "goin' on ahead, and fixin' to make a fire" in the surrounding dark and cold. When Bell got there, his father will be waiting. Bell ends the story with, "Then I woke up."
Certain information, facts, and casting names are courtesy of Wikipedia.
Interesting stuff
There are few interesting things in the movie which captured my attention. They are :
1) Captive bolt pistol - Also known as cattlegun, used by Chigurh in blowing locks and killing his victims.
2) The conversations - The story was filled with interesting and intelligent conversations with an accent which was potrayed very well by the actors.
3) The story - It was a great movie, with a sort of open-ended conclusion. Not one where everything is predictable. One of the few movies where the antagonist (Chigurh) lives while the protagonist (Moss) dies. Injuries, deaths, and bombings were all realistically portrayed.
That's about it folks, a movie that got me thinking. =)
I Like To Movie Movie
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 09, 2008
Putera Gunung Lang : Kota Monyet Gatal
Al-kisah bermulanya pengembaraan 3 lelaki jati menuju ke gunung lagenda.
Jam 2.00 petang
Sebermulanya, Hang Choong, Hang Chang, dan Hang Koon bersetuju untuk berjumpa di kubu yang terbiar, dikenali sebagai Kota E.Gospel, pada 06 Jun 2008. Dalam perjalanan ke kubu, Hang Choong dan Hang Koon menemui rintangan yang hebat, mengakibatkan kedua-duanya tidak menepati masa yang ditetapkan. Sementara menunggu ketibaan sahabat-sahabatnya, Hang Chang terpaksa menghadapi 4-5 ekor musuh perempuan yang menyerangnya.
Jam 2.05 petang
Hang Chang berjaya menumpaskan musuh-musuhnya dengan ketibaan Hang Choong dan Hang Koon yang membawa keris. Ketiga-ketiga sahabat kemudiannya menaiki makhluk yang bernama Kelisa untuk memulakan pengembaraan. Dalam perlawanan sebermula tersebut, teramat banyaklah tenaga yang terhilang. Justeru, ketiga-tiga pahlawan memulakan pencarian makanan dalam menebus tenaga. Dalam perjalanan, mereka terjumpai rumah usang yang dipenuhi sarang labah-labah. Papan tanda yang tergantung bertulis - Kong Heng. Dalam keadaan yang terdesak, mereka memasuki rumah tersebut dan memenuhi jiwa mereka dengan makanan basi yang enak sama sekali.

Rumah usang Kong Heng

Makanan basi
Lebih kurang Jam 3.00 petang
Pengembaraan untuk mencari gunung lagenda bermula. Makhluk Kelisa yang kurang bertenaga akibat kenaikan harga ( RM1.92 - RM2.70 ) membawa ketiga-tiga sahabat ke kaki gunung tersebut. Di kaki gunung, seekor makhluk yang sedang menyelongkar timbunan sampah-sarap telah memberi arah jalan kepada ketiga-tiga sahabat tersebut.

Makhluk Gunung Lang
Untuk menyeberangi laut yang terbentang luas di hadapan mereka, Hang Choong, Hang Chang dan Hang Koon terpaksa mendayung sampan yang berlubang. Dengan segala tenaga yang diperolehi daripada makanan basi Kong Heng, mereka mendayung sedaya upaya dan akhirnya, berjaya menyeberangi dengan selamatnya laut yang dipenuhi dengan makhluk yang memakan daging manusia.

Rintangan laut luas

Makhluk yang memenuhi laut tersebut

Keletihan dalam mendayung sampan

Kegirangan akibat menghampiri matlamat
Setelah lebih kurang sejam mengembara Gunung Lang, ketiga-tiga sahabat tersebut gagal menjumpai Kota Monyet yang dikatakan mulia dan suci. Malahan, seekor monyet jua tidak kelihatan di seluruh tempat. Yang kedengaran cumalah laungan makhluk berkaki empat yang nyaring. Yang terlihat pula cumalah beberapa ekor makhluk yang berkeliaran. Dalam kebingungan, ketiga-tiga sahabat berani tersebut merayau-rayau, dengan harapan menemui Kota Monyet dalam lagenda tersebut.

Dalam pencarian kota lagenda
Setelah seketika, ketiga-tiga sahabat berputus-asa dan berasa amat pilu akibat kegagalan menemui Kota Monyet tersebut. Dalam kehampaan, mereka bersiap-sedia untuk melepaskan pencarian mereka dan pulang.

Muka kehampaan Hang Koon
Di pertengahan jalan pulang, mereka terkejut oleh peristiwa yang tidak terduga sama sekali. Selama ini, Kota Monyet tidak dijumpai akibat kuasa ajaib Gunung Lang yang menyebelungi kota tersebut daripada pandangan manusia. Hati yang ikhlas ketiga-tiga sahabat telah mengharukan kuasa Gunung Lang yang membuka pintu hati mereka untuk menemui Kota Monyet.

Kota Monyet dalam lagenda
Malangnya, masa telah mengubahkan segala-galanya. Monyet yang mendiami Kota Monyet tidak lagi suci seperti dahulu kala. Kini, monyet-monyet tersebut teramatlah gatal dan menyerang monyet-monyet betina tanpa kawalan. Disebabkan itu, Hang Choong terpaksa menghapuskan kaum monyet yang gatal ini dengan lembing warisan pusaka keluarganya.

Hang Choong dengan lembing
Walaupun Kota Monyet tidaklah seperti dahulu kala, namun kepuasan memenuhi hati ketiga-tiga sahabat kerana mereka berjaya mengharungi segala rintangan dalam usaha mencari kota tersebut. Hasil yang terbuah tidaklah seperti yang tersangka. Walaupun begitu, wujudlah keeratan dan kekariban antara ketiga-tiga sahabat tersebut, untuk selama-lamanya.

Hang Choong, Hang Koon, dan Hang Chang
Al-kisah tamatlah pengembaran 3 lelaki jati menuju ke gunung lagenda.
Berbanyak terima-kasih kepada Hang Chang, yang mencadangkan pengembaraan ke Gunung Lang ini, dan N73 yang menyumbang kepada gambar-gambar yang menarik di atas.
Jam 2.00 petang
Sebermulanya, Hang Choong, Hang Chang, dan Hang Koon bersetuju untuk berjumpa di kubu yang terbiar, dikenali sebagai Kota E.Gospel, pada 06 Jun 2008. Dalam perjalanan ke kubu, Hang Choong dan Hang Koon menemui rintangan yang hebat, mengakibatkan kedua-duanya tidak menepati masa yang ditetapkan. Sementara menunggu ketibaan sahabat-sahabatnya, Hang Chang terpaksa menghadapi 4-5 ekor musuh perempuan yang menyerangnya.
Jam 2.05 petang
Hang Chang berjaya menumpaskan musuh-musuhnya dengan ketibaan Hang Choong dan Hang Koon yang membawa keris. Ketiga-ketiga sahabat kemudiannya menaiki makhluk yang bernama Kelisa untuk memulakan pengembaraan. Dalam perlawanan sebermula tersebut, teramat banyaklah tenaga yang terhilang. Justeru, ketiga-tiga pahlawan memulakan pencarian makanan dalam menebus tenaga. Dalam perjalanan, mereka terjumpai rumah usang yang dipenuhi sarang labah-labah. Papan tanda yang tergantung bertulis - Kong Heng. Dalam keadaan yang terdesak, mereka memasuki rumah tersebut dan memenuhi jiwa mereka dengan makanan basi yang enak sama sekali.
Rumah usang Kong Heng

Makanan basi
Lebih kurang Jam 3.00 petang
Pengembaraan untuk mencari gunung lagenda bermula. Makhluk Kelisa yang kurang bertenaga akibat kenaikan harga ( RM1.92 - RM2.70 ) membawa ketiga-tiga sahabat ke kaki gunung tersebut. Di kaki gunung, seekor makhluk yang sedang menyelongkar timbunan sampah-sarap telah memberi arah jalan kepada ketiga-tiga sahabat tersebut.

Makhluk Gunung Lang
Untuk menyeberangi laut yang terbentang luas di hadapan mereka, Hang Choong, Hang Chang dan Hang Koon terpaksa mendayung sampan yang berlubang. Dengan segala tenaga yang diperolehi daripada makanan basi Kong Heng, mereka mendayung sedaya upaya dan akhirnya, berjaya menyeberangi dengan selamatnya laut yang dipenuhi dengan makhluk yang memakan daging manusia.

Rintangan laut luas

Makhluk yang memenuhi laut tersebut

Keletihan dalam mendayung sampan

Kegirangan akibat menghampiri matlamat
Setelah lebih kurang sejam mengembara Gunung Lang, ketiga-tiga sahabat tersebut gagal menjumpai Kota Monyet yang dikatakan mulia dan suci. Malahan, seekor monyet jua tidak kelihatan di seluruh tempat. Yang kedengaran cumalah laungan makhluk berkaki empat yang nyaring. Yang terlihat pula cumalah beberapa ekor makhluk yang berkeliaran. Dalam kebingungan, ketiga-tiga sahabat berani tersebut merayau-rayau, dengan harapan menemui Kota Monyet dalam lagenda tersebut.

Dalam pencarian kota lagenda
Setelah seketika, ketiga-tiga sahabat berputus-asa dan berasa amat pilu akibat kegagalan menemui Kota Monyet tersebut. Dalam kehampaan, mereka bersiap-sedia untuk melepaskan pencarian mereka dan pulang.

Muka kehampaan Hang Koon
Di pertengahan jalan pulang, mereka terkejut oleh peristiwa yang tidak terduga sama sekali. Selama ini, Kota Monyet tidak dijumpai akibat kuasa ajaib Gunung Lang yang menyebelungi kota tersebut daripada pandangan manusia. Hati yang ikhlas ketiga-tiga sahabat telah mengharukan kuasa Gunung Lang yang membuka pintu hati mereka untuk menemui Kota Monyet.

Kota Monyet dalam lagenda
Malangnya, masa telah mengubahkan segala-galanya. Monyet yang mendiami Kota Monyet tidak lagi suci seperti dahulu kala. Kini, monyet-monyet tersebut teramatlah gatal dan menyerang monyet-monyet betina tanpa kawalan. Disebabkan itu, Hang Choong terpaksa menghapuskan kaum monyet yang gatal ini dengan lembing warisan pusaka keluarganya.

Hang Choong dengan lembing
Walaupun Kota Monyet tidaklah seperti dahulu kala, namun kepuasan memenuhi hati ketiga-tiga sahabat kerana mereka berjaya mengharungi segala rintangan dalam usaha mencari kota tersebut. Hasil yang terbuah tidaklah seperti yang tersangka. Walaupun begitu, wujudlah keeratan dan kekariban antara ketiga-tiga sahabat tersebut, untuk selama-lamanya.

Hang Choong, Hang Koon, dan Hang Chang
Al-kisah tamatlah pengembaran 3 lelaki jati menuju ke gunung lagenda.
Berbanyak terima-kasih kepada Hang Chang, yang mencadangkan pengembaraan ke Gunung Lang ini, dan N73 yang menyumbang kepada gambar-gambar yang menarik di atas.
True Malaysian Stories
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Now What About Tongues.
A controversial issue, but nonetheless, it has to be raised.
Lets read 1 Corinthians 14 before I begin.
It's too long to post the whole chapter, so I hope you would've read it by now as you continue reading my post. Recently, I went for a YACF camp in Gopeng for 4 days. A whole new experience to me, opened my eyes to many things. But yet, some things I felt were compromising the biblical truths and so, it leaves me with no option but to post my thoughts on certain issues. The issue of tongues.
During camp, almost everyone spoke in tongues, even pastor and team. I find everyone so different from me and the way I worship that to a certain point, I began questioning myself, have I got it all wrong from the start? Well, during one of the prayer sessions, where most everyone were crying/speaking in tongues as usual, I flipped to a passage in the Bible which gave me complete assurance of my beliefs so far. The passage is 1 Corinthians 14.
Sometimes I couldn't understand the reason people are doing the things they do, when a simple child could understand clearly the passage in 1 Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 14:2 it says,
"For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however in the spirit he speaks mysteries."
Now if we were to take the Bible out of its context, the way speaking in tongues is practiced today would be absolutely appropriate and there would be no problems. But lets not disrespect the Word of God but instead, to read it in its fullness and context.
Now we go on to 1 Corinthians 14:5.
"I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification."
The next big chunk of verse.
"But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall i profit you unless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by teaching? Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played?"
"So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, and none of them is without significance."
And here is the part which cuts to the point.
"There let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say "Amen" at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you say? For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified."
And the last bit about tongues.
"I thank my God that I speak with tongues more than you all; yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue."
"Therefore if the whole church comes together in one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed or unbelievers, will they not say that you're out of your mind?"
"How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God."
And that's about it. The apostle Paul stated very clearly what each one of us need to know about tongues. I could not bring myself to agree with the church ( when I say church, it refers to the people of God ), all blabbering in unknown languages, worshipping God. Paul said clearly, that if there is no interpreter, let the person keep silent and speak to himself and God. Why bother blabbering gibberish loudly when no one understands you? You say you're praising God but how could we all say "Amen" to the things which we heard but not understand? I believe in tongues, but not how they are practiced today (pun intended). I'm not someone who's an anti-charismatic. I'm not pro-brethren as well. All I believe are the biblical truths, set before me in their wholeness. I'm not jugdemental, I'm not saying that all people are hypocrites when they speak aloud in tongues. But maybe its time to learn, that a multitude of people blabbering aloud does not edify anyone. If the Spirit prompts, and one wants to speak in tongues, but there is no interpreter, one should learn to keep it to himself. And maybe that way, we can all worship God in Spirit and in truth, and at the same time prevent anyone from making an impression. Amen.
I guess sometimes, what we lack is the innocence and simplicity of a child in understanding the Word of God.
Lets read 1 Corinthians 14 before I begin.
It's too long to post the whole chapter, so I hope you would've read it by now as you continue reading my post. Recently, I went for a YACF camp in Gopeng for 4 days. A whole new experience to me, opened my eyes to many things. But yet, some things I felt were compromising the biblical truths and so, it leaves me with no option but to post my thoughts on certain issues. The issue of tongues.
During camp, almost everyone spoke in tongues, even pastor and team. I find everyone so different from me and the way I worship that to a certain point, I began questioning myself, have I got it all wrong from the start? Well, during one of the prayer sessions, where most everyone were crying/speaking in tongues as usual, I flipped to a passage in the Bible which gave me complete assurance of my beliefs so far. The passage is 1 Corinthians 14.
Sometimes I couldn't understand the reason people are doing the things they do, when a simple child could understand clearly the passage in 1 Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians 14:2 it says,
"For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however in the spirit he speaks mysteries."
Now if we were to take the Bible out of its context, the way speaking in tongues is practiced today would be absolutely appropriate and there would be no problems. But lets not disrespect the Word of God but instead, to read it in its fullness and context.
Now we go on to 1 Corinthians 14:5.
"I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification."
The next big chunk of verse.
"But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall i profit you unless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by teaching? Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played?"
"So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, and none of them is without significance."
And here is the part which cuts to the point.
"There let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say "Amen" at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you say? For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified."
And the last bit about tongues.
"I thank my God that I speak with tongues more than you all; yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue."
"Therefore if the whole church comes together in one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed or unbelievers, will they not say that you're out of your mind?"
"How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God."
And that's about it. The apostle Paul stated very clearly what each one of us need to know about tongues. I could not bring myself to agree with the church ( when I say church, it refers to the people of God ), all blabbering in unknown languages, worshipping God. Paul said clearly, that if there is no interpreter, let the person keep silent and speak to himself and God. Why bother blabbering gibberish loudly when no one understands you? You say you're praising God but how could we all say "Amen" to the things which we heard but not understand? I believe in tongues, but not how they are practiced today (pun intended). I'm not someone who's an anti-charismatic. I'm not pro-brethren as well. All I believe are the biblical truths, set before me in their wholeness. I'm not jugdemental, I'm not saying that all people are hypocrites when they speak aloud in tongues. But maybe its time to learn, that a multitude of people blabbering aloud does not edify anyone. If the Spirit prompts, and one wants to speak in tongues, but there is no interpreter, one should learn to keep it to himself. And maybe that way, we can all worship God in Spirit and in truth, and at the same time prevent anyone from making an impression. Amen.
I guess sometimes, what we lack is the innocence and simplicity of a child in understanding the Word of God.
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