DotA : Tak Nak
Some would feel the excitement whenever this word is mentioned. Some would feel disgusted upon hearing it. Some (very special cases) would even feel high, so high that even their friends can feel it. Still, some would be completety against it, even to the extent of scolding others. Well, the name is none other than - DotA.
Before I go any further, allow me to give you a brief (and when I say brief, I mean it) explanation on DotA. DotA stands for Defence of the Ancients. One of the most creative, inovative, and addictive game in the 21st Century. Yet, why are there so many who are against it? What's wrong? There used to be a saying, "Laughter, the best medicine". Well, NOT anymore. Let me introduce you to a new one - "DotA, the best medicine". Oh yea, not exactly true, but it makes sense doesn't it?
I confess I am addicted to this game. I can spend all my time just talking about it with fellow DotA players and not feel bored. What pisses me off is that people would scold me for talking about DotA. These people would be those non-DotA players and my mom. My girlfriend would scold me cause she knows I'm obssessed. Well, I would retaliate very badly and that would be scolding her in return. I'm evil??
But the question here is, what's wrong with you people? If you can't appreciate this game, just shut up and let others enjoy talking about it. What's it got to do with you? I'm not scolding my girlfriend nor my mom here alright. They are excused any time for scolding me whatsoever. What I'm trying to point out here is that you have no right to stop anyone from playing or even talking about DotA. Freedom of choice is what makes us special.
Anyway, I know being addicted to some worldly thing is wrong and it's against my faith. DotA has somehow become something like an idol (but not quite one yet) in my life. That would be a sin for God said in the Bible that we shall have no other gods before him. Idolatry is sin. Therefore, DotA, if abused, would be sin too. Good news is, I'm trying to stop here. So anyone can lend a hand if you want BUT (now look at that BUT very closely) don't stop me from doing what I want. You can advise me alright but if advice not taken, let me lead myself to destruction.
Guess I'm done. It would be a long story if I were to go on. I would just end with this. I would like to know, what are your opinions about DotA? How many of you think that DotA is good/evil in one way or another? And how many of you are actually addicted to this game? Yes, I see those hands. Thank you.